How can this amazing oil benefit us and why it is different from other sources of oils.

Flax seed contains both Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids, the media very rarely highlights the benefits of organically grown flax seed over fish oil.

A large number of oils are refined, refined oils are subject to several processing methods- deodorization, winterizing, bleaching, and alkali refining. These processes remove virtually all  The vitamin E, Lecithin, and beta carotene. Even worse refining destroys the essential Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, converting them into poisonous trans-fatty acids. The oils also develop a certain amount of rancidity, because they are processed in the presence of light and oxygen, then bottled in clear glass containers, which allow the light to penetrate and further their rancid deterioration. Light causes serious free radical damage to oils and light oxidation is faster than oxygen oxidation. I could go on and on as to  why it gets deodorized or bleached but for this article I will refrain, leaving room to explain the benefits of using a good Flax seed oil such as Stoney Creek flax oil which is processed in a specially designed container that allows no light and must be kept in the fridge after opening.

Research and Clinical experience shows that Omega 3’s have benefited in:

HEART DISEASE : Omega 3’s lower high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels by as much as 25% and 65% respectively.

Omega-3’s decrease the probability of a clot blocking an artery in the brain (stroke), heart (heart attack), lungs (pulmonary embolism) or other organ (peripheral vascular . disease- gangrene) Omega 3’s lower high blood pressure.

CANCERS: Omega 3’s have been shown to dissolve tumours- Max Gerson used Flax oil for this purpose in his clinic. Dr Budwig in Germany has over 1000 documented cases of successful cancer treatments using flax oil, along with additional nutritional support. More recent research shows that omega 3’s kill human cancer cells in tissue cultures without destroying the normal cells in the same culture.  Breast, Lung, and prostrate cancer cell lines were studied.

DIABETES: This disease, according to Dr Budwig, has its origin in deficiency of omega 3 (as well as omega 6) fatty acids, and is made worse by concurrent lack of vitamins and minerals.

ARTHRITIS: Omega 3’s have been found to be effective in the successful treatment and prevention of arthritis. Both fish oils and flax oils have been used. More recently, research using combinations of the omega 3 and 6 fatty acids found that 60% of rheumatoid arthritics were able to completely discontinue their non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) and another 20% were able to reduce their dosages of NSAIDS in half., a longer time is needed before the allergies are alleviated. Total

ASTHMA: Flax oil can relieve asthma noticeably, sometimes within a few days of starting to take the oil.

PREMENSTRAL SYNDROME: Many cases of PMS are completely relieved within one month by fresh flax oil. Vitamins and minerals are also important.

ALLERGIES: Omega 3 can help to decrease allergic response. Since the body must be rebuilt a longer time is needed before the allergies are alleviated. Total nutritional support is required.

INFLAMMATORY TISSUE CONDITIONS: Included here are the diseases which end in –itis, which include meningitis, bursitis, tendonitis, tonsilitis, gastritis, ileitis, colitis, arteritis, phlebitis, prostatitis, nephritis, splenitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, otiti finds, etc as well as psoriasis and lupas.

WATER RETENTION: Flax oil helps the kidneys remove sodium and water. Water retention (edema) is involved in swollen ankles, some forms of overweight, PMS and late stages of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

SKIN CONDITIONS: Flax oil is famous for its ability to make skin smooth, soft and velvety. It also alleviates those skin conditions whose origin is the lack of omega 3 in the diet.

VITALITY: One of the most noticeable signs of improved health from use of flax oil is increased vitality, more energy. Athletes notice that their fatigued muscles recover from exercise more quickly, omega 3 increases stamina.

CALMNESS UNDER STRESS: Many people find the calming effect from fresh flax oil to be its most pleasant and beneficial quality. Omega 3 fatty acids prevent excess toxic biochemicals which our bodies produce under stress.

Flax Oil (Omega 3 and 6) has many more benefits but too many to list here for this article. As I have noted above I believe the best Flax oil to purchase would be “Stoney Creek” you can get organic and it is contained in a spcially lined tin to keep the light out.