August Events

August Information Evening Seminar on OUR WORKSHOPS & SEMINARS and how they can assist you.

This seminar will be held on Thursday 4th August at 6pm

This evening is about explaining all our courses and workshops to the public, allowing for you to ask questions and introducing a very new and advanced personal growth course.

Everyone is very welcome – but it is limited in places so bookings must be made by phoning 03 9370 8777


Improve your Life

Are you experiencing anxiety, depression or just at times not feeling good about yourself or where your life is at?

Do you want to gain clarity around the meaning of your life? Is that little voice in your head becoming overbearing and bringing you down? Then this course could be of great benefit to you!


Get rid of those issues you have been holding on to and start to recognise that you can learn from the past, hold on to the good and rid the rest. This course will provide you with a tool to move forward at your own pace and allow you to focus your energy on where it is needed…yourself!

Learn how to get the very best from your life & how to keep your body in tune to eliminate factors that create Dis-ease.

The results of our past attendees have been amazing and the testimonies speak for themselves.

The workshops are held in small groups which allows you to focus and receive quality time with our therapist.

If you’d like to learn more about this course, please contact the Centre on 03 9370 8777.

This self empowering workshop is not to be missed!!

Date and venue: 11th August 2011 and venue TBA

Time: Evenings 6.30- 7.30pm

Duration: 6 weeks

Cost: $220

Bookings essential!

Spiritual Development Class

Have you wished you could develope your Psychic or Intuitive skills? We have found just the person to assist you, We are running a circle for like minded people to enhance their knowlege and spiritual growth.

We have two circles activated, one for beginners and one for the more advanced.

Date ONGOING and venue: TBA

Time: Evenings 7- 8.30pm

Duration: 5 weeks Cost: 5 weeks = $225


CASUAL sessions cost $25. ( please advise your intention to attend)




Vic presented His Seminar on Thursday 18th August and participants were astounded at his knowledge, so have requested we get him back so they can bring friends along. Maybe you would like to be part of this repeat evening please register your interest. Date to be advised.

COMING TO OUR CENTRE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vic Ketis, who is the Principal of the Australian Academy of Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology.
This evening seminar is not to be missed as you sit in awe of this man as he delivers information as to WHY 2011 is so hard for everyone. He is a widely sought after speaker, International presentations have included Feng Shui conferences in USA, the FAA conferences, and 2008 UAC International Astrology Conference in Denver Colorado USA.

His extensive training in Astrology and Feng Shui has included many Chinese and Western teachers including Master Raymond Lo of Hong Kong and Astrosynthesis in Melbourne. His training in western astrology is ongoing, completing advanced studies in 2007/08 including a component of Astrology incorporated into the Tarot.
Vic is in private practice in Melbourne, consulting in Astrology and Feng Shui to homes, office and business Australia wide and internationally. He is co-founder with Tracy Bromlewe of Designing Harmony, a business devoted to holistic healing and the integration of Sacred Geometry into Feng Shui and building design. He also consults and teaches courses in the Chinese philosophy of the I Ching

Yes Vic is highly skilled in the Four Pillars of Destiny Chinese Astrology and he can certainly put some answers in place for why things are happening for you.
As this seminar will be on a Thursday evening (18th August), but our venue will restrict how many attendees we are able to accommodate, so if this seminar hits a chord for you it would be best to register your interest early to reserve your place.

This man is truly an amazing speaker. Cost will be $30 DATE TBA from 7pm until 9pm
BOOK TODAY, 03 9370 8777