Relationship Counselling
The ‘counselling’ process is about the Counsellor supporting, assisting and guiding the client to work through their issues addressing their needs at their ownpace, empowering the client to strive and pursue their chosen pathway.
Relationship Counselling empowers the person to become the best they can be and to live and experience their life journey on a higher level. The Counsellor has a holistic approach which is integrative; drawing on a vast range of different and alternative theories and models focusing on the person as a whole and not just the emotional aspect of counselling. Different and unique strategies, techniques and communication processes are incorporated into everyday pathways which become a part of managing a healthy and happy relationship.
Loving one another can be the easiest action we can do; however having a relationship often takes hard work and ongoing maintenance. If we apply this ‘analogy’ to even our friends or pets, we can see that hard work such as talking, socializing, sharing and caring for your friends or pets has many
wonderful and happy benefits.
Start enjoying the benefits of happy relationships in your life today!